Symbolic Model Checking of Asynchronous Systems
Model checking is an efficient technique for verifying properties on reactive systems. BDD-based symbolic model checking is a well-known approach to deal with the state space explosion problem in model checking, though BDDs can still suffer from space blow-up. More recently, bounded model checking using SAT-based procedures has been used as a very successful alternative to BDDs. However, these approaches give poor results when it is applied to models with a lot of asynchronism. On the other hand, partial-order reduction (POR) methods reduce the number of states explored by model-checking, by avoiding to explore different equivalent interleavings of concurrent events. We are developing, implementing and experimenting with algorithms which combine partial-order reduction and symbolic model checking to allow more efficient verification on models featuring asynchronous processes.
LVL Members: José Vander Meulen, Charles Pecheur
External Partners: None
Related Publications:
- Combining Partial Order Reduction with Symbolic Model Checking. José Vander Meulen. Doctoral thesis, Université catholique de Louvain.
- Combining Partial Order Reduction and Symbolic Model Checking to verify LTL properties. José Vander Meulen, Charles Pecheur . NASA FORMAL METHODS 2011.
- Milestones: A Model Checker Combining Symbolic Model Checking and Partial Order Reduction. José Vander Meulen, Charles Pecheur. NASA FORMAL METHODS 2011.
- Combining Partial Order Reduction with Bounded Model Checking. José Vander Meulen, Charles Pecheur. Proceedings of Communicating Process Architectures 2009, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
- Efficient Symbolic Model Checking for Process Algebras. José Vander Meulen, Charles Pecheur. Proceedings of 13th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2008), L'Aquila, Italy.