Functional Requirements Coverage
The classical notion of structural coverage measures to what extent a test suite exercises all items (statements, functions, variables, ...) of a program. If requirements are formally specified, for example using temporal logic, a notion of requirements coverage can be similarly defined, characterizing a test suite that covers a given requirement. With researchers at NASA Ames and Middlesex University, we have formalized this notion and are studying its application to the generation of test suites for autonomous space-bound applications.
LVL Members: Charles Pecheur
External Partners: NASA Ames (Guillaume Brat), Middlesex University (Franco Raimondi)
Related Publications:
- A Formal Analysis of Requirements-Based Testing. Charles Pecheur, Franco Raimondi, Guillaume Brat. 2009 International Conference on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), Chicago, IL.
- PDVer, a Tool to Verify PDDL Planning Domains. Franco Raimondi, Charles Pecheur, Guillaume Brat. Proceedings of ICAPS'09 Workshop on Verification and Validation of Planning and Scheduling Systems, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Testing Planning Domains (without Model Checkers). Franco Raimondi, Charles Pecheur, Guillaume Brat. Third Workshop on Model-Based Testing (MBT 2007), Braga, Portugal.