
Papers accepted at SR 2013 and NFM 2013

Created by sbusard, at April 17, 2013, at 01:39 PM

Simon Busard and Charles Pecheur had a paper accepted at SR 2013, and another paper accepted at NFM 2013.

SR 2013, the First International Workshop on Strategic Reasoning, was co-located with ETAPS 2013 and took place in Rome, Italy, in March 2013. The paper covers recent research in the field of reasoning about strategies under partial observability and fairness constraints.

NFM 2013, the 5th NASA Formal Methods Symposium, will take place at the NASA Ames Research Center, in Moffett Field, CA, USA, in May 2013. The paper presents PyNuSMV, a Python framework for experimenting and prototyping BDD-based model checking algorithms based on NuSMV.